Unique and Effective Continued Professional Development

Continued Professional Development Courses

The Way of the Horse Discovery Centre’s professional development training is unique, transformative, produces long term learning and is thoroughly enlightening. Our courses can be tailored to your staff’s requirements.

Why equine learning? Equine learning is scientifically evidenced to benefit people. Horses live in the present, are expert readers of body language, are authentically reflective of emotional states and show great capacity for tolerance and peaceful social interaction; they reflect and reveal our psychological states. Animal interaction also reduces stress.

All our courses can be run in long-form (two days) or short-form (one day) to suit your needs and budget.

For more information on our professional development see below or contact:

The Keys to success:

Wisdom of the Herd: Leadership and Team Building

To be a good leader is more difficult and more important than most people think. We provide training in authentic leadership incorporating the six roles of leadership in building and maintaining your team.

What you will learn:

  • How to increase motivation, self-esteem and confidence
  • How to develop a resilient team through stress management
  • To improve mental health in the workplace
  • How to be an inspiring and intuitive leader and communicator
  • Team development through leadership
  • How to be emotional intelligent and build authentic relationships

Stress Management and Resilience Training

15.4 million workdays were lost to stress, depression or anxiety in 2017/18. 57% of all working days lost to ill health were due to stress and anxiety. This costs businesses £33.4 - £43.0 billion per year. The Way of the Horse’s Stress Management and Resilience Training course will give you the techniques you need to identify stress and manage stressors in the work environment.

What you will learn:

  • How to identify stress through self-awareness and manage it effectively before it becomes unbearable
  • Recognising and coping with stressors in the workplace and setting boundaries
  • Building individual resilience through emotion regulation, constructing an internal locus of control, manifesting healthy self-esteem and thought patterns, and cognitive restructuring/reframing
  • Development of team resilience by improving cohesion, managing setbacks and being a resilience enhancing leader

Relationship Building through Emotional Intelligence and Awareness

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to recognise and manage both your own emotions and those of the others. Emotionally intelligent people know, not only what they are feeling, but also what their emotions mean and how they affect other people’s emotions, behaviour and decision-making processes.

Learning to be emotionally intelligent with good emotional agility can greatly improve your leadership, management, teamwork, lead generation/conversion and sales. Horses can facilitate training in emotional intelligence as they can spot body language signals which are incongruent with the desired communication. Signals that humans often only process subconsciously, but that strongly influence conscious decision making. Training in emotional intelligence can significantly enhance all social aspects of your career.

What you will learn:

  • Emotional awareness
  • Emotional agility within your mindful awareness of your emotions so that you can use them positively and flexibly as required
  • How to read be responsive to other’s emotions whilst setting appropriate boundaries
  • The ability to use an awareness of your emotions and others’ emotions to manage interactions successfully and create your desired outcomes
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